Qualified Treasurer(QT)

About this course.
One year (1) hands-on training (course) to a senior treasurer at post bachelor level. You work at a financial service provider or a company and are responsible for optimizing flows. Want to get a better return? With the training ‘Qualified Treasurer’ it will broaden your understanding in this field so you can go on a strategic and tactical level operations.
Your result after training
- Use a Treasury Regulations for your organization produce and analyze.
- You make sound investment choices and enables financial schedules.
- You can keep verifiable financial information.
- You can work with interest and currency risks.
- You are able to make an analysis on the acquisition and divestiture of businesses.
- You are acting on economic trends and recent developments.
Brief introductions are followed by practical examples. Practice and Cases (group) assignments are an important added value. Discussions which are invoked on the experience and knowledge of the participants and teachers.
One of the tasks is to advise on working capital and cash management for a fictitious company. The program concludes with an overall case in which important aspects of the substance can be applied.
The Treasury Management course is designed for financials and treasurers and the banks, large corporations, business and government work.
- Diploma HEAO BE, SPD or
- Qualified Controller HOFAM
- Two (2) years in a treasury function
Duration and times day program from 18:00 to 21:00, the study is on average 6 hours per week.
Both semesters are completed with a written exam. The course ends with a final examination that consists of writing a thesis and oral defense thereof.
After completing the program you receive the Diploma in Treasury Management. You will be registered in the courses of NIVE and will be able to carry the official title Qualified Treasurer (QT).
General introduction and Financial Arithmetic (2 sessions)
- Establish training and cohesion
- Overview of the markets
- Description risks associated with taking market positions
- Financial Arithmetic
Module 1 Working Capital Management (4 sessions)
- The reason of working capital management
- The relationship between capital and value-flow analysis and working capital
- The cash conversion cycle –
- The “stock order to collect” and “purchase to pay cycles”
Module 2 Cash Management and Payments (4 sessions)
- Cash in treasury management
- The place organizationally
- Balance management, managing available cash
- Cash flows management
- Generating cash
- Liquidity management, financial planning and financial instruments
- International cash management
- The cash Manager as Information Manager
Module 3 Risk Management (4 sessions)
- Characteristics and functioning money and capital
- the money market
- Interest rate risk
- Interest rate derivatives
- Credit risk management
- Currency management
Module 4 Financial markets (4 sessions)
- The Foreign Exchange
- The forward price or forward rate
- Hedging using cash coverage – speculation and arbitrage
- Currency futures
- Currency options and swaps
- Combinations of option strategies
Applied statistics and financial mathematics to use in:
- Risk and equity return requirement
- Value of stocks and bonds
- The capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Module 5 Treasury Regulations and Country Risk (2 sessions)
- The position of treasury management organizationally
- Treasury Regulations
- Country risk
Module 6 Corporate Finance (10 sessions)
Introduction corporate finance Investment
- Selection Valuation of shares – cash
- Risk and return, capital costs Capital structure
- Financial planning / ratios – working capital management
- Valuation of a company Mergers and Acquisitions
- Credit risk, Credit rating – Private equity
- Buy Back Shares
Module 7 Practice Simulation treasury management and Selected Topics (4 sessions)
- Overarching case, where the main topics of training are applied.
- A current and illustrative matter, which each program can vary.
NIVE Training uses the latest study material. Before the start of each module you will receive the material.
The tuition fee is EUR 7.500 including books, thesis supervision and exam fee.
In cooperation with the Nationale Ontwikkelingsbank, Finabank, Hakrinbank and De Surinaamsche Bank, Suriname College of Accountancy was able to create a way for her students to receive study financing for their courses if necessary.
If you have further enquiries please do contact us, a personal interview with the program coordinator can also be arranged.
For an appointment we can be contacted on the following numbers: 425 766 /
71 56 302 or you can send an email [email protected].
1 year
2-4 hours per week
Written exam
QT info sheet